Lound Academy is made up of Lound Infant school and Lound Junior school. Both schools are based at Chapel Town, Sheffield. Lound Infant school has 150 pupils between 4-7 years old. Lound Junior school provides education for 7-11 year olds and has 211 students. Both schools received a ‘good’ rating from Ofsted in 2017.
Lound Academy Aims and Mission Statement
Lound Academy’s mission statement is “Children at the heart of everything we do”.
The school community is working in partnership to ensure children always come first.
The school does this by:
- Offering a broad, balanced curriculum that is relevant, creative and inclusive.
- Developing a positive and enthusiastic attitude. The children are engaged in learning and are also responsible for their learning.
- Providing a safe, stimulating, well-resourced environment for effective learning.
- Promoting self-esteem and confidence.
- Developing their knowledge, skills and experiences.
- Being supportive adults with high expectations, modelling and teaching respectful behaviour to the children.
Furthermore, the school want the children to become lifelong learners and believe the adults at the school should model an appetite for learning about how to do things better. Additionally, the school seek to make further improvements in the provision which they make for their children.
The philosophy is based on giving every child the opportunity to succeed academically and socially. The school wants to ensure the students achieve as highly as possible. Through a high standard of teaching, in a caring environment where children benefit from positive attitudes and high expectations. As well as this, the school want every child to reach their potential.
Lound Academy Online Safety Policy
The school realise today’s children and young people are growing up in a digital world. Therefore, their Online Safety Policy evolves the use of the internet and digital technologies in teaching and learning whilst also informing them on the potential dangers.
The children at the school take part in safer internet day in February each year. In 2021, the theme was “Exploring Identify Online”. The children took part with this theme by watching an assembly. As well as this, they had lessons on the topic and also talked about the different ways to stay safe online. For this reason, the school provides links to websites and lessons about online safety.
What uniform we supply Lound:
We supply uniform to Lound Academy, such as:
- Polo Shirt
- Sweatshirt/Sweat Cardigan
- Fleece Jacket
- Waterproof Coat
- Leavers Hoody
- PE T-shirt & PE Shorts
- Knitted Hat
- Bookbag & Despatch bag & PE Bag
Additionally we supply water bottles, socks, and tights.
To shop for Lound Academy, click here.
To visit the Lound Academy website, click here.